SABISMS ~ Remember Tomorrow

Steven Covey wrote the hugely successful and influential ‘The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People’, which sits on my bookshelf behind me (with yellowing pages!) as I type.

His approach is based on a deep analysis of principles, values and habits, leading us from dependence, through independence to the highest level, as he sees it, of interdependence.

Coming from someone so committed to becoming more focused and effective, this quotation might seem surprising. It goes to prove, however, that imagination and creative thinking is at the very heart of productivity and efficiency, if we harness its power.

To be successful we must live
from our imaginations, not
from our memories.

~ Steven Covey

@CreativeBizMind #Sabisms ~ (Tweet Me!)

(Start YOUR Creative Leap Year TODAY! Read this and Let’s Do It!)


Sinking back or leaping forward?

Think in the direction you’re going.

~Sab Will

@CreativeBizMind #Sabisms ~ (Tweet Me!)

There’s more than one way of defining the word ‘successful’, and we need to be careful we’re not making the classic mistake ineluctably associating success with masses of money, luxurious residences and fast cars.

For some, visibly, and for all in reality, true success is about feeling satisfied with our place in the world and our contribution to the lives of those we care about. This may be through achieving private goals or public objectives, making personal progress or helping others to do so.

The problem with huge financial wealth, beautiful houses and excessive means of transport is two-fold.

Firstly, if we do have these things, that’s fine. But people will look at us as those who have, rather than those who share or give. They may even feel that those who ‘have’, have taken from those who ‘haven’t’, and may resent them for it.

On the other hand, those who give will be seen as generous and caring, and people are more naturally drawn to this type of character.

Why does this matter?  Because in the end we are social creatures, and obtain true feelings of happiness and self-worth through what we have given or done for others (and consequently the recognition that affords us), not through what we have obtained for ourselves.

And secondly, we go out with pretty much what we came in with, but I bet we’d rather be holding the hand of a loved one when we say our final goodbyes than the keys of our latest Ferrari.

What’s this got to do with business? Nothing and everything. Every business man and woman is a simple man and woman above all else, with very human feelings which can’t be effaced or overridden by some random job description or honorary title.

If we want to be successful, in business and in life, perhaps Covey was saying, we need to remember our true nature – that of a striving, protective, innovative, caring and inventive member of the greatest species on Earth.

When we put these precious assets to work to improve the lives of our fellow human beings then we may experience something resembling Covey’s idea of interdependence which could truly be termed success.


(SABISMS Remember Tomorrow is No.12 in a Super Series of 183)
(See also: SABISMS Butt Out Brainbox ~ in Personal Creativity No.12)

Notes on SABISMS Remember Tomorrow

sabisms wheel reinvention Sab WillSab Will enjoys writing Sabisms about creativity in business and life.

As well as Creative Business Mind (this site!) he runs I Create Therefore I Am (general creativity), Creative Leap Year (a powerful motivational program under development – join us!), Mind Map Mad (mind mapping & visual problem solving) and Fun English Lessons (an on-line language learning site).

Sab is available for training in innovative thinking, creative problem solving and mind mapping. Please get in touch here to find out how increased creativity and innovation can help boost your business.

© 2016 Sab Will / Creative Business Mind