SABISMS ~ Fantasy Age

sabisms fantasy age toonPrecious raw materials have certainly moved on a lot from the days of literally digging for gold in the dust bowls of far-off fantasy-fueled promised lands.

‘Talent mining’ is now a thing (with 5 ‘levels’, no less), and highly developed human intellectual and emotional properties are the new true wealth of many an organisation.

Access to talented & creative people
is to modern business what access to
coal & iron ore was to steel-making.

~ Richard Florida

@CreativeBizMind #Sabisms ~ (Tweet Me!)

(Start YOUR Creative Leap Year TODAY! Read this and Let’s Do It!)

sabisms fantasy age


Curiosity is the new crack.

There’s gold in grey cell mills…

~Sab Will / SABISMS Fantasy Age

@CreativeBizMind #Sabisms ~ (Tweet Me!)

Theories about industrial ‘ages’ abound but it can’t be denied that the way we work seems to be changing radically, even as I type.

Steam ushered in the original industrial revolution, to be followed by a similar seismic shift thanks to electricity. Digital technology provided the impetus for a third up-ending of work patterns and many now claim we are living a fourth radical change in the very fabric of our lives, but what should we call this new age?

We’re living in the information age because, more than ever, what we know or, more accurately, what we can find out quickly, defines who we are and what we are capable of.

Some people prefer the term ‘knowledge age’, which signifies the useful application of information, as opposed to just knowing for knowing’s sake, and I full agree with that.

In some of my more romantic dreams I like to think we’ve moved on again and are now living in the ‘imaginative age’ or even the ‘creative age’.

This calls on the innovations of previous ages and uses digital technology to harness huge amounts of knowledge to stimulate limitless creativity leading to the ever more efficient exploitation of industrial and electrical age mechanics and manufacturing processes to produce our latest shiny objects.

Human ingenuity and passion is the driving force behind all this frenzied activity and what’s simmering inside our heads is more valuable than ever before.

Unfortunately, this Utopian mirage is back-dropped by a world swilling in poverty and chaos. For those of us lucky enough to be reading these words it’s nevertheless encouraging to think that to a great extent we can create our own (better) future simply by imagining it and then acting in a way which will bring it to pass. Long live the guided fantasy age!


(SABISMS Fantasy Age is No.16 in a Super Series of 183)
(See also: SABISMS NYRs RIP ~ in Personal Creativity No.16)

Notes on SABISMS Fantasy Age

sabisms fantasy age mad sabSab Will enjoys writing Sabisms about creativity in business and life.

As well as Creative Business Mind (this site!) he runs I Create Therefore I Am (general creativity), Creative Leap Year (a powerful motivational program under development – join us!), Mind Map Mad (mind mapping & visual problem solving) and Fun English Lessons (an on-line language learning site).

Sab is available for training in innovative thinking, creative problem solving and mind mapping. Please get in touch here to find out how increased creativity and innovation can help boost your business.

© 2016 Sab Will / Creative Business Mind