Sabisms 5 ~ ‘Inner Beast’

Feed the Inner What? you might be thinking. I didn’t even know I HAD an ‘inner beast’! Is this something I should be concerned about?

Well probably, yes, if you buy in to what George Lois is telling us here. Time for a little trip to the menagerie…

Nothing comes from nothing.
You must continuously feed the
inner beast that sparks and inspires.

~ George Lois

@CreativeBizMind #Sabisms ~ (Tweet Me!)

(Start YOUR Creative Leap Year TODAY! Read this and Let’s Do It!)

sabisms 5 inner beast


How easy it is to sink into a routine of:

a) work like a dog for someone else’s benefit during the day;
b) vegetate in front of someone else’s idea of fun (or misery) in the evening;
c) go to bed deflated and repeat for the rest of your life.

I’ve vitually stopped watching TV. It was positively poisoning my creative soul. After the news had informed us in graphic detail how many people had been murdered by some crazy killer, we would settle down to watch our ‘favourite’ US series where people are… murdered by crazy killers (in graphic detail, naturally)…

It kinda makes you wonder, doesn’t it? Our brains need constant stimulation and exposure to new sensations and experiences. They thrive by combining this new input with what they already know to come up with interesting and useful ideas of their own.

We owe it to ourselves to stop being passive observers of other people’s efforts and especially the miserable ones. We should be constantly experiencing novelty, but with the highly-focused aim of taking the good bits and incorporating them into our own, original pieces, which will then inspire others in a virtuous circle.

These short thought-bites, these Sabisms, inspired by other people’s words, are a perfect example of this. Feel free to lengthen the chain and give that inner beast some leeway!


(Sabisms: ‘Inner Beast’ is No.5 in a Super Series of 183)
(Personal Sabism No.4: ‘Just Thinking’ is HERE!)

Notes on Sabisms

Spring_200Sab Will enjoys writing Sabisms about creativity in business and life.

As well as Creative Business Mind (this site!) he runs I Create Therefore I Am (general creativity), Creative Leap Year (a powerful motivational program under development – join us!), Mind Map Mad (mind mapping & visual problem solving) and Fun English Lessons (an on-line language learning site).

Sab is available for training in innovative thinking, creative problem solving and mind mapping. Please get in touch here to find out how increased creativity and innovation can help boost your business.

© 2016 Sab Will / Creative Business Mind