SABISMS ~ Brainwash Daily

Change of career? Tidy of desk? Finish of article? Decide of life?

Often it is that we have the impression of something important niggling at the nether reaches of our consciousness that we really should be getting on with.

Most of us have experience of putting things off until another day, that flagging of enthusiasm, that inexorable mollifying of motivation, which causes us, in the long run, to not get very much of any worth done at all.

Which is why today’s Sabism offers you this advice:

People often say motivation
doesn’t last. Neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.

~ Zig Ziglar

@CreativeBizMind #Sabisms ~ (Tweet Me!)

(Start YOUR Creative Leap Year TODAY! Read this and Let’s Do It!)


Slosh your willpower strongly.

Wash your brain cells weekly.

~Sab Will / SABISMS Brainwash Daily

@CreativeBizMind #Sabisms ~ (Tweet Me!)

I almost called this piece Brainbathe Daily but in the end chose the more sinister term for a reason.

If we don’t force ourselves to do what’s best for us, then who will? Brainwashing is a powerful technique, often associated with evil intentions, but why not use it to help us believe we are as creative and amazing as… we really are!

Not everyone feels driven to perform fabulous feats of dubious distinction, but those of us who do don’t always find it easy to stay on course, which leads to frustration and despondency.

So how do we keep our spirits up and our flame of purpose burning brightly? What exactly are we supposed to do daily, as Zig Ziglar says, to keep on track towards the desired result we ourselves have defined?

For me, I can only evoke a whole range of self-help clichés (in no particular order, as they come to mind):

  1. Know what your number one goal is;
  2. Define a little thing to do now that will move you towards it;
  3. Don’t listen to naysayers and believe in your vision;
  4. Remember that only action causes reaction, and hence progress;
  5. Keep learning and never stop sharing;
  6. Questions are powerful creative motivators, including Why not?!
  7. Make sure you do something cool and fun every day.

Here’s a fantastic motivating mind map I did to help you start your day with a 7 Minute Miracle mini ritual!

What’s your list of mega-motivators? Do share!


(SABISMS Brainwash Daily is No.17 in a Super Series of 183)
(See also: SABISMS Backside Bash ~ in Personal Creativity No.17)

Notes on SABISMS Brainwash Daily

sabisms fantasy age mad sabSab Will enjoys writing Sabisms about creativity in business and life.

As well as Creative Business Mind – Online (this site!) he runs Creative Business Mind Pro (professional innovation & problem solving), I Create Therefore I Am (general creativity), Creative Leap Year (a powerful motivational program under development – join us!), Mind Map Mad (mind mapping & visual problem solving) and Fun English Lessons (an on-line language learning site).

Sab is available for training in innovative thinking, creative problem solving and mind mapping. Please get in touch here to find out how increased creativity and innovation can help boost your business.

© 2016 Sab Will / Creative Business Mind