SABISMS ~ Gut Going

Admittedly, I’m a sucker for cute little aphorisms and pocket-sized proverbs, whether or not they’re true or still valid.

Many have become popular and often cliched exactly because they do refer to simple home truisms which we like to wheel out given any vaguely appropriate occasion.

For me though, the best of these reality-bites, to coin a phrase, slyly combine a supposed absolute truth with a twist of sly irony. Like the second part of this one.

Creativity comes from trust.
Trust your instincts. And never
hope more than you work.

~ Rita Mae Brown

@CreativeBizMind #Sabisms ~ (Tweet Me!)

(Start YOUR Creative Leap Year TODAY! Read this and Let’s Do It!)


Hopeless dreamers produce similar results.

Go with your gut and get going!

~Sab Will

@CreativeBizMind #Sabisms ~ (Tweet Me!)

And never hope more than you work! Love it. This pokes fun at everyone who thinks or acts (or doesn’t act) as if wishful thinking alone will get them even vaguely close to where they’d like to be.

‘Trust your instincts’ is another way of saying ‘go with your gut feeling’, or even ‘follow your heart’. Which would be great advice, except for the fact that… we don’t actually have a choice! 

I don’t think I’m guilty of ‘pop-psychologising’ if I say that the subconscious mind is almost infinitely more powerful and certainly more sage than our poor old waking brains.

Unbeknownst to us, given any testing situation, our heads are instantly calling on a lifetime’s experience of causes and consequences to come up with, in milliseconds, a highly probable best solution before we’ve even finished hearing the sentence that’s stimulated all this sub-cranial cogitation.

In a nutshell, our very own inbuilt higher power knows infinitely better what it’s up to than the little conscious human part of us does, despite what we’d like to believe.

When was the last time you had to remind yourself consciously to breathe or to digest your food properly or to release a bit of dopamine or cortisol to keep things ticking along nicely? To keep yourself alive, in fact. I thought so.

We spend a huge amount of our waking energy inventing rational-sounding explanations to justify our emotional decisions and actions. The sooner we understand that in ourselves and others, and accept it with a wry smile, the better.


(SABISMS Gut Going is No.11 in a Super Series of 183)
(See also: SABISMS Passion Fashion ~ in Personal Creativity No.11)

Notes on SABISMS Gut Going

sabisms wheel reinvention Sab WillSab Will enjoys writing Sabisms about creativity in business and life.

As well as Creative Business Mind (this site!) he runs I Create Therefore I Am (general creativity), Creative Leap Year (a powerful motivational program under development – join us!), Mind Map Mad (mind mapping & visual problem solving) and Fun English Lessons (an on-line language learning site).

Sab is available for training in innovative thinking, creative problem solving and mind mapping. Please get in touch here to find out how increased creativity and innovation can help boost your business.

© 2016 Sab Will / Creative Business Mind